
Builds a library with support for incremental builds.

Options can be configured in workspace.json when defining the executor, or when invoking it. Read more about how to configure targets and executors here: https://nx.dev/core-concepts/configuration#targets.


project (required)

Type: string

The file path for the ng-packagr configuration file, relative to the workspace root.


Default: peerDependencies

Type: string

Possible values: dependencies, peerDependencies

When updateBuildableProjectDepsInPackageJson is true, this adds dependencies to either peerDependencies or dependencies.


Type: string

The full path for the TypeScript configuration file, relative to the workspace root.


Default: true

Type: boolean

Whether to update the buildable project dependencies in package.json.


Default: false

Type: boolean

Whether to run a build when any file changes.